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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

B2RUN Gelsenkirchen: Running for a good cause!

Out of the office chair and into those running shoes - that's the idea behind the German Company Run Championships B2RUN, which took place in Gelsenkirchen for the second year in a row.


A total of 3100 runners from a wide range of companies, associations and institutes from all manner of industries put their sporting prowess to the test on the gruelling 6 km course.

In amongst them all were the 18 runners from Masterflex SE, who volunteered for the after-work run in aid of an extremely good cause. The starting signal was sounded and the masses were underway in comfortable temperatures of around 19°C. After only 19 minutes and 9 seconds, the first of the faster runners came through the finish inside the famous VELTINS Arena, home to Schalke 04 football club. A mere six minutes later saw the first of the Masterflex runners complete the course - our trainee Ferhat Ekinci came an excellent 102nd overall and was the fastest of the entire Masterflex team. Not far behind were our runners Secan Oruc (295th) and Boris Wölm (371st).

Everyone in the Masterflex team completed the course with great times and placings. Aside from the fine sporting performance, taking part had even more meaning, because for every runner who completed the course, Masterflex SE will donate 100 Euros towards the "Kindertafel", the local Children's Charity in Gelsenkirchen. An excellent result on all counts!

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