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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Cuffs by Masterflex now available in antistatic versions

This means that virtually all antistatic PU hoses from Masterflex's TRIVOLUTION series can be fitted with a matching connector, because they are also antistatic.


These cuffs represent a very real innovation; to date, it has been necessary to use non-discharging cuffs with antistatic hoses. And this posed a serious problem in industries that have to deal with loose bulk materials, the transport of which can readily lead to electrostatic charging.

The new antistatic cuffs are the perfect solution. "They provide antistatic hoses with a spiral-free end," explains Ingo Dehne, head of the Masterflex in-house sales team. This end can thus easily be inserted into a tube or fitted to a tube and the hose can then also optionally be fixed in place using a clamp. Whatever option is used, the electrostatic discharging properties of the Combiflex PU cuffs radically reduce the risk of a build-up of static electricity.

In the form of its new antistatic Combiflex PU cuffs, Masterflex has again demonstrated its capacity for innovation in its range of connecting and hose systems in its tried-and-tested quality. "The new cuffs are available in two versions: they have either a screw attachment allowing ready removal or can be fixed permanently in place," adds Dehne.

It is thanks to the development of material with improved electrodischarging properties that this product has become possible. "We can now use it to manufacture antistatic Combiflex cuffs and Combiflex-V cuffs. And, depending on customer requirements, they can be supplied either with a screw thread or end for permanent attachment," concludes Dehne.

The range of applications of antistatic hoses is considerably extended as these can now be fitted with non-charging PU cuffs.

Such systems can also be used following a case-by-case assessment in zone 20 hazard zones, the most sensitive area defined in TRGS 727, the new German rules for management of hazardous substances, where electrostatic charging must be avoided because of use in a readily-flammable particle atmosphere.

Antistatic surface resistance determined in accordance with DIN IEC 60167 is less than 109 Ohm. The cuffs also conform to the current requirements of the ATEX Guidelines (2014/34/EU) that replaced Directive 94/9/EC on 20 April 2016.

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