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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

For the sake of the environment - Master-PURgreen

Now: Hoses made from renewable raw materials available as a product option from Masterflex


Masterflex AG, Gelsenkirchen - July 19, 2012.

The new Master-PURgreen hoses complement Masterflex's product range. This hose variant is made from 52% renewable raw materials.

Bio-plastics are on the upswing. Especially in times of rethinking, in which climate and environmental protection play a more important role than they did a few years ago. Renewable energies or renewable raw materials are the buzzwords that are becoming increasingly important in connection with climate protection. All agricultural and forestry raw materials that are not used for food or animal feed are renewable raw materials and can be renewed in relatively short periods of time.

"In today's world, it is important to many customers to make a contribution to environmental protection," says Christian Horstkötter, sales manager at Masterflex AG. "Sustainability is a cross-industry and topical issue to which we also want to make our contribution. We want to offer our customers a product alternative that they know for sure is manufactured in a way that conserves resources."

At the same time, however, Masterflex customers do not have to sacrifice the quality of the products they are used to. The Master-PURgreen hoses are a variation of the successful Master-PUR hose series. The ecological hoses are offered in Master-PURgreen L, H and HX versions. These are light-weight, medium-weight and heavy-weight, specially wall-reinforced suction and transport hoses. The hose constructions are made of a TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) that has a Shore hardness of approximately 80A. The special feature: The TPU contains 52% renewable raw materials in its overall formulation. In terms of mechanical properties and product durability, the Master-PURgreen product range is in no way inferior to the standard Master-PUR series. It is suitable, for example, for transporting abrasive solids, gaseous or liquid media, transporting fine-grained particles such as dusts and powders, and as a protective hose against mechanical loads.

Masterflex's strong commitment to environmental protection and sustainability was already evident at the beginning of the year. With the Ecoprofit award, a long preceding project phase was successfully concluded. The company's focus was on using resources more efficiently and practicing forward-looking environmental protection.

Not to use resources more than they can regenerate again is the demand that everyone who wants to contribute to the protection of the climate and the environment should face. Masterflex is taking this step with the Master-PURgreen.

As an eco-profit company, Masterflex continues to pursue the goal of sustainably saving resources through ecologically sensible measures and making an important contribution to protecting the environment.


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