MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex at ACHEMA 2006 - World Forum of the Process Industry

Masterflex AG will be presenting innovative hoses and hose connection systems for all industrial sectors at ACHEMA 2006 in Hall 9.0 Stand L6A.


Masterflex AG, Gelsenkirchen, will be showing its hose specialties from the Master-PUR and Master-Clip series, which include special hoses for conveying particularly abrasive materials or with outstanding chemical resistance and temperature resistance up to +1,100 ° C, as well as many new products especially for the food and tobacco industries and for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

In addition to the hose types of the Master-Food series, in which suction and transport hoses made of food-grade polyurethane (PU) and also of an improved, more flexible polyolefin (PO) will be shown, hoses and hose connection systems with certified suitability for direct food contact will also be presented for the first time.

Masterflex will also present innovative plastic hoses with nano-coating. Using a unique plasma CVD (chemical vapor deposition) process, plastic hoses are coated on the inside with a wear-resistant, durable surface finish made of tungsten or silicon nitride ceramics a few thousandths of a millimeter thick.

The inner nanocoating and the resulting smooth surface prevent the penetration of foreign substances and ensure the highest possible protection of the surface. The nanostructure promises optimized long-term preservation of material-specific product properties. These hoses can be used for the transport of solid, liquid and gaseous media in the chemical, paint, pharmaceutical and food industries, among others.

ACHEMA 2006 from May 15 to 19, 2006 in Frankfurt am Main is the most important meeting place for the process industries. As the leading international event for equipment suppliers to the chemical industry and all material converting industries, it will once again provide trend-setting impetus for technology developments, worldwide contacts and new business relationships. About 4,000 exhibitors from all continents and about 200,000 visitors from all parts of the world are expected.

Visit us, we look forward to talking to you in person!

Masterflex AG, Hall 9.0 Booth L6A

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