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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex spiral hoses conform to the requirements of the new standard DIN 26057

Masterflex hoses are conform to the new Standard DIN 26057


Masterflex has again demonstrated why it is considered one of the leaders in the connecting and tubing system market and technology sectors. Its spiral hoses made of high performance polyurethane (PUR) meet all the stipulations of German norm DIN 26057 that will come into force this April.

"We played a major role in helping draft DIN 26057 and thus were able to adapt to ensure that we would be able to comply with the new requirements at an early stage," explains Christian Horstkötter, Sales Director Spiral Hoses at Masterflex. "This means that we are among the very first organisations in the marketplace that can already offer our customers polyurethane spiral hoses that meet all the conditions of DIN 26057."

The new standard DIN 26057 defines the specifications for spiral hoses made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) that are strengthened with steel wire and have a corrugated external surface. Such hoses are ideal for use for the conveyance of granule-form and powdered products, particles and loose materials. The new standard describes and stipulates in detail the conditions and procedures for testing these hoses. "The in-house tests undertaken by our quality control department have confirmed that our hoses conform in all regards to the requirements of the standard," adds Horstkötter.

Available are hose types of the series L-F, L, H, HX and the electrically conductive, antistatic and MHR variants that meet the stipulations of the new standard. DIN 26057 does not apply to hoses used for the transport of foodstuffs and pharmaceutical products or to tubing for medical applications.

"We are pleased that we can now not only provide our customers with our products in their customary tried-and-tested quality but can also supply spiral hoses that we can absolutely guarantee meet all the new stipulations set out in DIN 26057," concludes Horstkötter.

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