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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex sponsors the Christmas campaign of the Gelsenkirchen branch of the 'Tafel' charity

Masterflex Trainees were packing Christmas sacks


Over a period of two days, Masterflex trainees were busy packing sacks fully of goodies for the needy in support of the Christmas campaigns of the Gelsenkirchen 'Tafel' charity and its child-targeted equivalent 'Kindertafel'. The charities were also the lucky recipients of a donation.

It's all bustle at present at the headquarters of the 'Tafel' charity located on Nordring in Gelsenkirchen - items are being brought in, sorted and packed. The seasonal scents of chocolate, cinnamon and oranges are in the air. The aim is to provide as many Christmas packages as possible for the disadvantaged and an extra pair of hands are always welcome. Reason enough for trainees at Masterflex to absent themselves from their workplaces in office and production floor for a couple of days and get to grip with things on the packing table. This is the second time that eight trainees of the spiral tubing specialists that make up the Masterflex Group have lent a helping hand to the Christmas campaign of the 'Tafel' charity. 

"Thanks to the many volunteers, the 'Tafel' and 'Kindertafel' charities are able to do a really fantastic job," says Anthony Quinn, Marketing Director of the Masterflex Group.

And the trainees see it in the same light. "There are always needy people who are so short of money that they are thankful when others are able to give them the necessaries of daily life. And they are particularly grateful when those gifts include something special for the Christmas season," adds Ferhat Ekinci, a commercial trainee at Masterflex.

Not only was the 'Tafel' at the receiving end of the active assistance of the trainees, Masterflex also presented the charity with a donation of €355. This amount represented the proceeds of a raffle held during the corporate Christmas party. The cheque was presented to Sigrid Weiser, Chair of the Gelsenkirchen 'Tafel' and 'Kindertafel' charities by Rita Krossa, Masterflex's Director Development Extrusion.

The Gelsenkirchen branch of the 'Tafel' charity has 165 members, most of whom are unpaid volunteers. They look after the needs of some 4500 disadvantaged persons, who currently include refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Bangladesh.

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