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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex: Start of cooperation with the Gelsenkirchen Children's Table

As an expression of social responsibility as well as a commitment to the location, the headquarters of the globally active Masterflex AG, which is located here, today started a sustainable cooperation with the Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel as part of the Gelsenkirchener Tafel e.V..


The main aim of the cooperation is to support the Tafel in its snack initiative ("It's hard to learn on an empty stomach") as well as to support the Tafel's other activities for disadvantaged children and their families, such as the clothing store. In addition, Masterflex would like to get involved in the Tafel's work on a regular basis through visits and discussions with those responsible for the Tafel. As a non-profit organization, the Gelsenkirchener Tafel is part of the Tafeln (food banks) throughout Germany, which were started in 1993 and collect surplus food from trade and industry and pass it on to those in need. The collection, management and distribution of the food is carried out by volunteers.

Ole Stein, Business Unit Manager at Masterflex in Gelsenkirchen: "We think the Tafel's commitment is not only very good, but also very important. Because if children from socially disadvantaged families - for whatever reason - have to go to school with an empty stomach, the basis for proper learning is missing. And then the chances of these children receiving a good education and being able to pursue a good career later on are minimized from the outset. That's why we entered into this cooperation."

Hartwig Szymiczek, Managing Director of the Gelsenkirchener Tafel, is pleased about Masterflex's commitment: "Without donations, we would not be able to provide the Pausenbrot initiative. Because we have to buy the food for it ourselves - bread, toppings, fruit, sometimes even a yogurt - and then distribute it to the schools by car. That simply costs money. And of course it's especially nice when companies like Masterflex want to get involved in a sustainable way."

The start of the cooperation was punctuated with an initial donation, coming from employees as well as the company. On the occasion of the company's 25th anniversary, employees in Gelsenkirchen had collected as well as run ten euros for every kilometer completed during a company run. Masterflex then rounded up this amount so that the total sum of 1,500 euros was collected.

Stein: "This first step will be followed by others. On the occasion of our anniversary event on October 26, 2012 in Gelsenkirchen, we will continue to actively collect and ask for donations. Because even though our major contribution as a company lies in offering more secure jobs and apprenticeships, we consider the Pausenbrot der Tafel initiative to be very important as a building block for children's future opportunities."


Presentation of the check by Mr. Ole Stein to the Vice Chairwoman of the Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel, Sigrid Weiser, and the Managing Director of the Gelsenkirchener Tafel, Hartiwg Szymiczek.

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