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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex Team Shows Team Spirit at Viva-West Marathon 2014

Together we make a great team! With this saying in mind, the Masterflex Group relay team took part in this year’s local marathon in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, on Sunday 18th May.


Four highly motivated sports enthusiasts and colleagues shared the 26 mile long course. This ran through four different cities in the well-known Ruhr area of Germany and past many landmarks of the region, including the famous “Zeche Zollverein” coal-mine museum.

The extra incentive for the runners from our Gelsenkirchen headquarters was not the achievement of their personal best times, but to know that they were going the gruelling distance for a good cause. The unbeatable team spirit, ingrained in the Masterflex Group ethos, was at the forefront together with the fund-raising cause. €10 Euros were donated to the local “Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel“ children’s charity for each kilometre (km) achieved by our runners.

Since 2012, the Masterflex Group has been supporting and contributing to the local children’s charity, a project it would like to continue for many years to come. “We’re thrilled that with this children’s charity, we are able to support a charitable and worthwhile organisation within the region and local community. For everyone who works here, it is close to our hearts to make a meaningful contribution to this organisation. This was clear to see in the success of our pre-Christmas collection among our workforce here in Gelsenkirchen. That’s why we are very happy to present a donation of €500 Euros to the “Gelsenkirchener Kindertafel” children’s charity” said Dr. Andreas Bastin, CEO of Masterflex Group.

The Masterflex Group relay team achieved an incredible result among the 67 company teams who took part. With a total time of 03:38:39 hrs, they came in at an excellent 5th place. That’s why the Masterflex Group would like to congratulate them on their great achievement! The sports fanatics are already looking forward to next year, where they can once again make a real contribution – All together for a good cause!


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