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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Masterflex trainees lend a hand

Since the beginning of the cooperation with the Gelsenkirchener Tafel e.V. in the anniversary year 2012, it has been an important matter for Masterflex SE to support the Tafel with regular donation campaigns.


This cooperation will be continued this year. Masterflex Group trainees will now be wrapping gift bags for all they are worth on two consecutive days on site, at Nordring in Gelsenkirchen: All donations in kind received by the Gelsenkirchen Tafel in the run-up to Christmas will be painstakingly sorted and packed so that they can find themselves under the Tafel's Christmas tree "customers" on Christmas Eve.

"It's a nice feeling to know that you're doing something good," says Leonie vom Sondern, an industrial clerk trainee at Masterflex SE. "We are doing so well and this way we can pass a little bit of it on."

The Masterflex Group is delighted about the commitment of its junior employees, six young men and women, and therefore does not want to miss the opportunity to round off the great campaign with a monetary donation of 1,000 euros.

With the active support of the trainees, a nice tradition from last year is being continued. At the end of 2013, the trainees at the Gelsenkirchen site had already made a strong commitment to the Tafel. In a project set up by the trainees, donations in kind were collected within the company for the Tafel. The campaign was well received by the entire workforce of Masterflex SE.

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