In addition to FDA conformity (Food and Drug Administration) and BfR conformity (BfR = Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, formerly BgVV = Federal Institute for Consumer Health Protection and Veterinary Medicine), this is primarily the new EC Directive 2002/72/EC, which replaces Directive 90/128/EEC, which was valid until recently.
This applies to the wide range of suction and conveying hoses in the "PU-Food" product line, which can be used for the suction of fine media through to extremely abrasive materials in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, as well as to the matching Combiflex connection systems in food quality.
The highly flexible Master-PUR-Food hoses are equipped with a cast-in VA spiral that is resistant to rotation and displacement. The high-quality polyether polyurethane used in the food sector features similar outstanding abrasion resistance as the standard polyester polyurethane used for non-food applications and can be used in a temperature range from -40 °C to +125 °C. The polyether polyurethane is also suitable for use in the food sector. The odorless and tasteless nature of the raw materials is a prerequisite for usability in this special area.