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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Successful HANNOVER MESSE 2006

Masterflex AG is very satisfied with the course of HANNOVER MESSE


Masterflex AG, Gelsenkirchen, is very satisfied with the world's largest industrial trade fair in Hanover, which ended on Friday.

During the five days of the trade fair, numerous trade visitors came to the joint stand of Masterflex AG and its subsidiary Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH to find out about the companies' numerous new products. As expected, the newly certified hose connection systems for the food industry in particular attracted great interest from the international trade audience.

Masterflex AG was once again able to make interesting new contacts and business connections at home and abroad. Around 155,000 visitors took advantage of HANNOVER MESSE to see for themselves the innovative strength of the capital goods industry. A positive development of HANNOVER MESSE and the fulfillment of the high entrance expectations is confirmed by many of the 5175 exhibitors.

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