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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Successful start at HANNOVER MESSE - combating the crisis with high-tech and innovations

Masterflex positive after first day of trade fair - combating the crisis with high-tech and innovations


Masterflex AG, Hanover. April 21, 2009

The slogan that can be heard so often these days sounds almost incantatory: "Use the crisis as an opportunity". No one knows how long the worst economic crisis since the Second World War will last - the slump is dramatic. And yet German industry is demonstrating confidence at the start of HANNOVER MESSE on Monday. "Germany will be stronger after this crisis than it was before," says Hans-Peter Keitel, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), with conviction. While many companies have cancelled or postponed their investment programs, research and development departments often remain unaffected by the drastic austerity measures. Many - often smaller - companies have even strengthened these departments considerably, says BDI head Keitel.

Masterflex AG is also leading the way with innovations at HANNOVER MESSE. At the world's most important technology event of the year, Masterflex AG will be presenting new products at its 40-square-meter booth (Hall 5 - Booth A 32). "Research and development continues to be a top priority at Masterflex," says Sales Manager "Alfons Beitz", who is confident after the first day of the trade fair.

Especially at the present time, the company is focusing strongly on the topic of cost savings in hose solutions. To this end, Masterflex offers its customers new types of connection systems that make it easy to combine standard connection elements that are used in a wide variety of industries. After all, Masterflex AG from Gelsenkirchen is the specialist for sophisticated connection and hose systems made of innovative high-tech plastics, fabrics and films. "We are optimistic that the number of trade visitors has hardly decreased, with the quality of trade visitors being significantly better than in previous years. We were already able to make excellent contacts on the first day of the trade show," said hose expert Alfons Beitz.

This year, the world's most important technology event of the year will feature more than 6,150 exhibitors from 61 countries.
From 20 to 24 April 2009, HANNOVER MESSE will bring together a total of 13 leading international trade fairs under one roof. The key themes are industrial automation, energy technologies, drive and fluid technology, mobility, subcontracting, future technologies and young talent.


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