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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Successful trade fair appearance at POWTECH

Product specialties attracted particular interest


Masterflex AG, one of the leading manufacturers of high-tech hose systems, was satisfied with the course of the recently concluded POWTECH trade fair in Nuremberg.

Products for the bulk materials industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry in particular were on show at the trade fair. In addition to the proven hose qualities of the "Master Clip" and "Master PUR" series, the trade visitors showed particular interest in the versatile Combiflex connection systems made of polyurethane, which immediately offer the right connection for Masterflex hoses.

The new Master PUR food hoses also attracted a great deal of attention. In this area, Masterflex is the first manufacturer to offer profile-extruded hoses that are food-compliant in all respects. The company announced that it will soon be adding Combiflex connection systems in FDA quality to its product range, which will thus also comply with food legislation requirements in the USA.

IndustryAgricultureConstruction, Mining and Earth-movingChemicalsIndustryPlasticsFood and BeverageMechanical EngineeringBulk SolidsNewsMasterflex (International)Masterflex DACHMasterflex Group