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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Successful trade fair in Istanbul

Masterflex AG is very satisfied overall with the course of the "WIN - World of Industry" in Istanbul.


Masterflex AG is very satisfied overall with the course of the "WIN - World of Industry" in Istanbul. On the four days of the trade fair, numerous trade visitors could be counted at the booth of the high-tech hose manufacturer.

The trade visitors showed particularly great interest in the chemical-resistant and high-temperature-resistant Master-Clip hoses as well as in the abrasion-resistant and flexible polyurethane hoses with the associated Combiflex hose connection systems in many new designs.

Sales Manager Alfons Beitz, who already presented Masterflex AG's high-tech hoses and connection systems at last year's "WIN" in Istanbul and is now exhibiting together with a Turkish sales partner for the first time, confirms the increasingly positive development of the trade fair.

After the last day of the fair, it is certain that this trade fair was once again a great success for Masterflex AG.

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