MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen


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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Ten New Trainess at The Masterflex Group

Ten new trainees are starting their career at the Masterflex Group


Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 31st July 2014 – Tomorrow, 1st August 2014, will be the first day at work – and the start of a new era – for our new trainees at the Masterflex Group.

So that the ten new trainees are able to look back fondly on their first day, their new colleagues are on hand to warmly welcome them and give them an in-depth tour of the offices and production facilities.

The career-starters will complete their three-year apprenticeships in different areas of the Masterflex Group. At their four sites in Germany, the Masterflex Group offers apprenticeships in many different fields including industrial business management assistance, machine & equipment operating, distribution & warehouse logistics, process mechanics, etc.

“We would like to train our “Azubis“, as they are called here in Germany, to become independent and versatile employees. That’s why we see it as our task to integrate them into the daily business from day one and to show them how the entire corporation works in its different functions and facets.” explains Mrs Kellner, Training Manager at the Masterflex Group headquarters in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

Over the next three years, the trainees will be given the chance to be trained in all of the administrative departments, in order to gain a wealth of experience in a range of areas. Those in technical fields will gain first-hand experience in the many different areas of our production facilities, in order to prove and hone their technical skills.

As each of the Masterflex Group sites in Germany focuses on a special field within the complete product portfolio of high-tech hoses & connection systems offered worldwide, the apprenticeships vary greatly between the different locations. The product range of the connection specialists (“Connecting Values”) covers everything from highly flexible spiral and smooth hoses for all industrial and manufacturing applications (at our Gelsenkirchen and Halberstadt sites), thermoplastic & injection-moulded components and intricate hoses for the medical technology sector (at our Halberstadt and Wald-Michelbach sites), through to vulcanised moulded parts for the aerospace and automotive industries (at our Norderstedt site, near Hamburg). This makes the Masterflex Group a hugely versatile and diverse corporate environment for a wealth of training possibilities. “We will work together and offer our trainees constant support, so that they are able to achieve their apprenticeship goals with ease” said Mrs Kellner.

In addition to these new trainees, a student will be joining the Masterflex Group in October this year to complete the practical part of their Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering degree. The colleagues at our Wald-Michelbach site – specialists for FLEIMA-PLASTIC products – look forward to welcoming him.

The Masterflex Group is a specialist in the development and production of high-quality connector and hose systems. With 13 operating units in Europe, America and Asia, the Group is represented almost all over the world. Its growth is driven by internationalisation and innovation. Masterflex shares have been listed as Prime Standard on the German stock exchange since 2000.

Contact: Helena Zagray,<link>

Phone + 49 209 970 77 84

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