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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

Tough - Master-PE L-EL

New electrically conductive suction and transport hose from Masterflex, with excellent chemical resistance


Masterflex AG, Gelsenkirchen - September 28, 2012.

Masterflex's newly developed Master-PE L-EL suction and transport hose is now available. Masterflex is currently launching sales activities around the new hose type. To manufacture this hose variant, which is outstandingly resistant to acids, alkalis and other chemicals, Masterflex uses polyethylene, which has particularly excellent chemical resistance. The result is another innovative product for the highest demands, e.g. for transporting aggressive gaseous and liquid media or for transporting fine-grained particles such as dusts and powders in the chemical sector.

Compared to suction and transport hoses made of PU, the PE material has a much higher chemical resistance. Thus, when highly aggressive solvents are extracted, many standard materials can no longer be used; they fail after a short time. The highly aggressive media that arise during production and have to be extracted often pose a great challenge to the hoses. Where comparable hose types made of PU have no or low chemical resistance, the hose made of polyethylene scores with its durability.

The PE material has been able to demonstrate its outstanding resistance to acetone, benzene, toluene and xylene in particular. Long service life and little product wear are the advantages of this hose construction. Due to its special combination of raw materials, the Master-PE L-EL is electrically conductive <104 Ohm and has been designed for use in hazardous areas in accordance with TRBS 2153 (Zone 0, 20) for combustible dusts and liquids, for the dissipation of electrostatic charges. It meets the requirements of Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) and is free of halogens and plasticizers.

The lightweight wall material gives this type of hose flexible properties. This makes it versatile even for difficult application situations. Since polyethylene has harder material properties than polyurethane, the Master-PE L-EL offers a very stable construction and outer wall. This is largely smooth on the inside, resulting in optimum flow properties. The hose is used at temperatures between -35 °C and +80 °C, and even up to +120 °C for short periods. Masterflex also offers the appropriate connection and joining elements.

As Masterflex has the common diameters of many hose types in stock, it is possible to provide the customer with the fastest possible deliveries within 24 hours of receipt of order.


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