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MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen
MASTERFLEX – Technische Schläuche & Verbindungen

TRGS 727: Masterflex explains the facts!

The new TRGS 727 directive: Masterflex clarifies what it is all about and what the facts are.


Misleading announcements on alleged "new standards" and measurement procedures for technical hoses have been unsettling for many companies. As the industry's leading hose manufacturer, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify this situation and inform you of the facts of the new TRGS 727 guideline. This new guideline will in future replace the current TRBS 2153 guideline. However, the new TRGS 727, which has been released in January as a preliminary draft, is only in the DRAFT phase. This new guideline is therefore subject to changes and has not yet even been finalised.

FACT: this guideline is not (yet) valid.

The future introduction of the TRGS 727 means changes in the measurement procedures for technical hoses. We have been actively following this development for a long time and are therefore very familiar with the details of the new measurement procedure. Technically speaking: surface resistance and bleeder resistance are no longer referred to - a "specific resistance" of the hose line is instead used as a reference. However, the differentiation between "pneumatic" and "aspirative" transport remains.


  • The TRGS 727 is currently only a draft and therefore does not apply
  • Electrically conductive and anti-static hoses from MASTERFLEX can be applied without any constrictions or concerns, as always
  • MASTERFLEX will therefore continue to deliver certified and approved products even after the final release of the TRGS 727

The MASTERFLEX product range of electrically conductive and anti-static hoses already covers and is in accordance with the new standards of the TRGS 727. From a technical standpoint, no changes have been made to any of your current products throughout the entire market. Do you have any questions? We're happy to help! Contact us directly at: <link - mail "Öffnet ein Fenster zum Versenden der E-Mail"></link>

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